What Does a Typical Furnace Tune-up Involve?

Tune-ups are often termed as one of the essential services you can obtain as a homeowner or an individual with a furnace in their home. A tune-up can mean several benefits for the furnace, from increasing the lifespan to preventing it from sustaining major damage. In addition to this, tune-ups make it possible for the furnace to retain the efficiency it needs. Most technicians state that tune-ups should take place once every six months to keep track of the deterioration the furnace may be experiencing.

Of the many brands of HVAC systems in the market today, the Goodman range of ACs and furnaces are among the most famous. However, to attain the return on investment on these appliances you desire, one must search for Goodman HVAC service near me.

The Tasks in a Furnace Tune-up

Searching for and hiring Goodman HVAC service near me will mean that your furnace will receive the following services –

1. Inspection

The initial step is to carry out a thorough inspection of every component of the furnace. This includes the more obscure or hard-to-reach appliances as well. If you opt to hire from the Goodman HVAC technician near me category, they will inspect the following –

  • The tension in the fan belts
  • Checking the voltage and current
  • Burners are inspected for dirt and damage
  • Calibration of thermostat
  • Checking connections to oil or gas lines.
  • Verify the level of the gas pressure
  • Inspect the heat exchanger

2. Testing

This can also be considered to be part of the inspection step as every component will undergo testing. This step mostly involves the components that usually turn on while the system is running. Technicians will carry out the following tasks during this step –

  • Test pilot or electrical ignition.
  • Testing carbon monoxide level emission.
  • Test out the exhaust system for the proper release of air.
  • Testing of system controls to verifying ideal functioning.

3. Cleaning or Alteration

The next step requires a technician to clean out any components. This includes the larger components like ducts or vents, which are prone to becoming obstructed over time resulting in improper heating. In addition to this, other components will receive cleaning or lubrication, like –

  • Motor bearings and other moving components will receive lubrication.
  • Adjusting the tightness of the fan belt.
  • Clean or change the air filter.
  • Cleaning the burner or replacing it as a result of rusting or deterioration.
  • Wipe down and clean the exterior of the furnace as well as the interior.
  • Clear the condensate drain if it is full of mold or debris.

Therefore, with regular tune-ups, your furnace will be as good as new. You won’t have to worry about short breakdowns during the most inconvenient times when the furnace receives its regular tune-ups.

If you own a furnace and are searching for services that fit the “Goodman HVAC technician near me,” consider hiring the technicians over at THAQ Solutions. To book an appointment today, call (361)-287-7032.